

Room concepts for offices are becoming increasingly individualised. Flex-desk solutions, separate areas for confidential discussions, space for town hall meetings: whatever the scenario, rooms – and thus doors, too – need to adapt to modern ways of working.



When faced with such a wide variety of requirements, it’s helpful to have a selection of easily combinable surfaces to choose from. The main factor in the decision is what stresses and strains the door needs to be able to withstand, but its role in representing the company is also important. Special ultra-matt or metallic surfaces help to create attractive areas for discussion, and these can be combined with other sturdy surfaces for cost-optimised project planning.



Glazing in office buildings has two jobs: it needs to optimise the lighting situation, especially in inwardly oriented rooms, and also needs to promote dialogue as part of an open corporate culture. There are a range of options available for this:

  • Strip apertures
  • Glazed side panels
  • Fanlights

Satin-finished or sandblasted glazing lets in more light without compromising confidentiality.



Focused work requires a calm environment. Soundproof doors – available in a variety of classes – provide the necessary peace and quiet while also helping to preserve privacy and data protection standards by ensuring nothing leaks outside the room.

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